Monday, July 21, 2014

Fausto Atilano, My Story

Fausto Atilano Jr. was born in Mexico and moved to the Los Angeles area as a young child where he was raised with his eight siblings.  Even as an adult, Fausto still maintains a close relationship with his brothers and sisters.  In fact, all of his siblings have similarly chosen professions in law enforcement or the bail bonds industry.  Fausto began his career in the bail bonds industry in 1997 after retiring from law enforcement.  Fausto is very passionate about his work and goes above and beyond to help his clients. Bailing a client out of jail is only the beginning; Fausto genuinely cares about getting his clients back on the right track and helping to rehabilitate them. He has been known to spend hours, days, and even months counseling his clients and helping them realize they have the power to turn their lives around.  Fausto does not feel his job is truly done until he makes a positive impact on each and every person he comes into contact with. 

In addition to assisting his own clients, Fausto believes in generously giving back to the community. He continuously donates funds and volunteers his time to many community organizations and charities including The Boys and Girls Club of Southwest County, Cops for Kids, S.A.F.E, The Debbie Chilsom Foundation, Temecula Rod Run, Humanity for Justice, Festival of Trees, Battle of the Badges and many more.  Fausto also actively sponsors several local high school sports teams. 

On a more personal level, Fausto has been with his loving wife, Melissa, for over 25 years.  They have five beautiful children together, including two daughters and three sons. Fausto is extremely dedicated to his children and spends most of his free time with them.  He especially enjoys watching his boys practice and compete in martial arts tournaments.

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