Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Amazing Positive Responses to the Article against me

  • Jackie Lynn Stone I fully support you, Fausto.
  • Elizabeth Torrence Medina Keep up the good work amigo. .be safe..God bless
  • Ivette Bedolla Very true words.
  • Dale Aastrom Well said Fausto
  • Cindy Gray I of course did not see it, but well said & written!
  • Audrey Osborn Stay safe out there Fausto Atilano. Good job!
  • David Michael Guaderrama Well said! Your a man of integrity and your very honorable. no one out there cares about the welfare of others more than you do......critics come and go but your family and your business will continue to prosper.
  • Corky Bell Fausto thanks but you do not need to explain yourself to those who really know you. You do a great job brother keep up the good work.
  • Carlos A. Borges Fausto you have all our respect n love
  • Kirk Widener You are the most professional in the field , brother. Do what you do best my friend. Haters mean nothing when you're right, your right.
  • Sonia Brulotte Wow I think and see you as a positive roll model.. You have my respect and love.. God bless and stay safe.
  • Sherry Johns Wow Keep your head up they just mad cause they can't do the job Haters will be Haters continue to do your job and be safe out there. God Blessings!
  • Darnell D. Jenkins You do what you have to do to within the law to apprehend the bail jumper. The process of apprehension is totally within the scope of your profession, it is your funds on the line, not anyone else's, therefore handle your business in a professional manner as you always have and don't worry about the onlookers or as we say "the haters.".
  • Rosie Gottschall You do not have to explain yourself or your actions or the actions of those that work for you. Unfortunately the general public does not know everything that you guys have to do to bring a fugitive to justice. Which includes putting your life at risk every time you have to face someone that has already made the choice not no follow the law regardless of the consequences . When an individual fails to go to court to face their responsibility, at that time they have already decided to take the chance to do whatever it takes including killing to avoid going to prison. Fausto continue to keep the community safe and stay safe from the fugitives that have no respect or regard for human lives.
  • Darlene Wilson Marshall I don't know anything about the article, nor do I want to. You are a honest , hard working man. Who always risk your own safety, in order to keep other people safe. You always play by the rules. And I am so proud of you, and the work you do. Everyone isn't cut out to do the kind of work you do. And you are always going to have haters. No matter what kind of job you have. Just keep on being you. And keep up the good job. Just praying you will remain safe, in doing your job. LYM.
  • Mike Page Fausto, no explanation is needed. 'Ever.' I promise.
  • Luciano Falcone Compita siga trabajando al 100% le mando saludes desde la Capital de Mexico. Nos vemos pronto, su amigo Luciano
  • John Manley Luckey Fausto that's is great overview of the realities of your profession well said!
  • T-Gyver Weekley the problem with the media, is unless it"s something that has major action and drama, they don't get up from their desk and do any real work , They will take a snip of something they find on the internet..( facebook, twitter, instagram) and make a story out of it by putting their own bull shit spin on it !... No real reporting or fact finding done anymore.. I know there are times when you just want to smack your head against the wall... Just remember Karma is a bitch!!!!!...
  • Lipsticks MostWanted We know exactly how you feel. Keep your head up, as long as you know you are in the lines of the law you have nothing to worry about. Not all bounties are gonna go smoothly most of our bounties hardly ever go smoothly. Just keep your head up and I know it sucks having bad things said about your company in the paper and it possibly fucks with business but you've came a long way so just keep up the awesome work my friend
  • Dondra Fleming If there is anything I can do to help buddy just let me know.
  • Edgar Diaz I want to see article. Sue them for defamation.
  • Carlos Fossatto God be with you at this hard time
  • Sara Verner uou should send this to the paper and post the rebuttal response and ask the writer to retact the slanderouse and salacious colum with oublic apology
  • Ralph Muñoz I read it, sounds like there attorney is trying to set you up!!! At the same time all they said they want is awareness!!!
    23 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Adriana Cummings Wow hang in there thinking of you
    19 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Efren Gonzalez Job well done, keep up the great work and we thanks for our protection
    13 hours ago · Like · 1

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